Thursday, May 28, 2009


WIN for KC and the Women's Triathlon Green Team are taking strides to make this race an eco-friendly event!

Some of the efforts to reduce our carbon footprint include:

  • Paper reduction through online registration

  • When paper materials are necessary, all printing is done on recycled paper using soy ink

  • Encourage carpooling to race course

  • Recycle all plastic bottles, cardboard, and aluminum cans

  • Use of biodegradable materials for pasta dinner, pancake breakfast, and at the aid stations

  • Utilize race supplies from local sources

  • Educate race participants on living green

  • Where possible, provide post-race fruits that are organically and locally grown

  • Provide food scraps from the event to local farmers for composting

  • Use cleaning products that contain the Green Seal certification

Just another reason why I'm a proud participate in the WIN for KC Triathlon!!!

We're 8 weeks away folks!!

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